quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

17th Legislature at a ceremony held at the Legislative Assembly

17th Legislature at a ceremony held at the Legislative Assembly

The 41 state representatives elected in October last year took office

today as the holder of the 17th Legislature at a ceremony held at the

Legislative Assembly, according to what he preaches and the Internal

State Constitution.

They are: Ademir Menezes (PR), Álvaro Guimarães (PR), Bruno Peixoto

(PMDB), Antonio Carlos (PSC), Claudio Meirelles (PR), Christopher

Tormim (PTB), Daniel Messac (PSDB), Daniel Vilela (PMDB) , Joaquim

(PPS), Elias Jr. (PMN), Evandro Magal (PP), Fabio Souza (PSDB),

Francisco Gedda (PTN), Francis Jr. (PMDB), Frederico Nascimento (PTN),

Helder Valin (PSDB), Helio Sousa (DEM), Henrique Arantes (PTB), the

Hildo Candango (PTB), Humberto Aidar (PT), Isaura Lemos (PDT), Iso

Moreira (PSDB), Quadros Darrot (PSDB), Jardel Sebba (PSDB), José Lima

(PDT), Joseph Vitti (PRTB), Karlos Cabral (PT), Lincoln Tejota (PTdoB),

Cesar Luis Bueno (PT), Luiz Carlos do Carmo (PMDB), Major Ali (PRB),

Mauro Rubem (PT) , Misael Oliveira (PDT), Nelio Fortunato (PMDB), Nilo

Resende (DEM), Paulo Cezar Martins (PMDB), Samuel Belchior (PMDB),

Sonia Chaves (PSDB), Tulio Isaac (PSDB), Valcenôr Braz (PTB) Wagner

Siqueira (PMDB)

The first time the ceremony was the recall of state legislators of the

17th Legislature, the name and parliamentary party label. In the

following, was taken the oath of office in which the parliamentarians

promised to faithfully carry out the mandate, promoting the general

welfare of the State of Goiás, within constitutional norms.

Then, two deputies spoke, representing the situation and benches of

opposition. First, Rep. Luis Cesar Bueno (UK) spoke on behalf of

opposition parties. Then, Rep. Helio Sousa (DEM) addressed the


On behalf of the opposition, Mr Cesar Luis Bueno (PT) will be

highlighted as the work bench in the Legislature that begins. He

criticized the government administrative reform Marconi Perillo (PSDB)

and praised federal works in Goiás He said the government Marconi puts

other interests ahead of the privatization of public assets, which did

not work out in "nowhere" and that until national PSDB already

considered a "mistake."

The PT also criticized the existence of death squads in police Goiás

"The National Human Rights Ombudsman reveals the existence of these

groups, acting with summary execution," he said. Luis Cesar also come

out against what he calls the "stagnation in education", since

according to him, the number of schools in Goiás falls instead of


Speaking on behalf of government, Rep. Helio Sousa (DEM) indicated that

commitment is necessary for the consolidation of a democratic state.

For him, it is essential that the state of Goias has its size as the

exact measure to allow the full exercise of citizenship of its people.

Helio Sousa also said that the alternation of power - featuring the

democratic system - is the ability that people have to make changes as

needed. "The state can not be greater than it said," he said, as

opposed to speech that Luis Bueno Cesar (PT) held on behalf of the


Finally, the President of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Helder Valin

(PSDB), highlighted the satisfaction of taking office in a house "more

transparent and closer to society with self-esteem rescued and modern."

The president said that the Legislature recognizes citizen goiano a

government closer, which influences the day-to-day ever. "I found the

house in order and pacified in 2009 with the collaboration of members

of the Board, the party leaders, managers and servers in general, we

invest in programs such as the interlayer, which sought to

institutionalized cooperation between the Assembly and municipal

councils, and lay the foundations for a master plan for Information

Technology, "Helder said Valin.

Dozens of state, municipal and federal attended the inaugural ceremony

of the elected state representatives. Among others, were on the floor

Gov. Marconi Perillo (PSDB), the President of the Court of the State of

Goiás, Paulo Teles judge, the Attorney General of Justice, Eduardo

Moura Abdon.

Also present were former governors of Goiás, Helen Candide and Maguito

Vilela, former Presidents of the Legislative Assembly, Celio Silva

(PSDB) and Sebastian Tejota, Metropolitan Archbishop of Goiânia,

Washington Archbishop Cruz, the president of the Municipality of

Goiânia , alderman Iram Saraiva (PMDB), the president of the Bar

Association of Brazil Goias, Henry Tiburcio; adviser Ferrari Edson,

president of the Court of the State, and the counselor Walter Jose

Rodriguez, president of the Municipal Court.

Sent representatives to the Federal University of Goiás, Goiás State

University, the Fountain of Life Church, the Pastors Convention of

Goiás, the Special Operations Brigade and the Air Force Base Annapolis.

Jardel Sebba is elected new president of the Legislative Assembly

In open voting and unanimous, Jardel Sebba (PSDB) was elected President

of the Legislative Assembly for the next two years. The other members

of the House of Officers have been chosen respecting the

proportionality party. The next session was convened for Tuesday, Feb.

15, at 15 hours
In voting for the first time opened for election of Officers of the

House were elected today, February 1, its new members: president, 1st

and 2nd vice-presidents and 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th secretaries for the

next biennium in Legislative Assembly.
The selection of members was made in roll-over the office for a term of

two years. Only one candidate has been submitted for each position of

Officers, headed by Deputy Jardel Sebba (PSDB).
Check how many votes each elected achieved in the vote:
- President Jardel Sebba (PSDB): 41 votes;
- 1st Vice President Fabio Souza (PSDB): 41 votes;
- 2nd Vice President Bruno Peixoto (PMDB): 40 votes in favor and 1

- 1st Secretary Valcenôr Braz (PTB): 40 votes in favor and 1

- 2nd Secretary Alvaro Guimaraes (PR): 39 in favor, 1 opposed and 1

- 3rd Secretary Humberto Aidar (PT): 40 votes in favor and 1

- 4th Nelio secretary Fortunato (PMDB): 40 votes in favor and one

All abstentions were from Mr Oliver Misael (PDT). The only dissenting

vote (against the appointment of Alvaro Guimaraes) was Mr Tulio Isaac

Shortly after the vote, the new officers were sworn in, with the

presidency being transferred Helder Valin (PSDB) Jardel Sebba.
In rapid speech, Jardel said that Parliament is the voice of the

citizen in democratic society, citing sociologist Norberto Bobbio. "My

commitment to greater democracy and transparency, the Legislature has

advanced a lot, but we need a more modern, without compromises and

without setbacks," he said.

Profile Jardel Sebba

Jardel Sebba
Hometown: Catalão (GO)
Birth: 04/02/1949
Affiliation: Jamil Sebba Sebba and Odette Faiad
Marital Status: Married to Anna Abigail Tan Koppan Sebba
Children: Son Jardel Sebba, Eveline Koppan Sebba, Marília Koppan Faiad

Sebba Sebba and Gustavo Koppan Faiad
Profession: doctor specializing in gynecology and obstetrics

Profile Jardel Sebba is a doctor, rancher and state legislator for a

fourth consecutive term. Affiliated to the PSDB de Goiás, arrives at

the command of the legislature for the third time in Goiás. Elected

sheet consensus, with votes of all 41 deputies, and had the strong

support from its predecessor, Helder Valin (PSDB).

He chaired the Legislative Assembly of the State of Goiás for the first

time between November 18, 2004, and January 31, 2005. Came the command

of officers when Celio Silva, then president, stepped down after being

elected mayor of Luziânia, and after exercising for almost two years

the 1st vice-chair of the House. In December 2004, for five days, he

ruled the state temporarily. In February 2007, was elected chairman of

the legislature with overwhelming majorities.

Found the House weakened by scandals and with heavy debts. Upon

assuming office, bids and contracts suspended and ordered his aides to

cut that unnecessary spending. It also reduced the number of servers

and gave commissioned possession, gradually, to servers in open

tendering procedure approved by the previous administration. With

funding from the legislature, conducted a comprehensive physical and

structural reform in the Assembly in two stages. The offices of

parliamentarians gained more space, were installed ramps and elevators

for disabled people in the Palace Alfredo Nasser to ensure

accessibility and all electrical and hydraulic system was redone.

With these changes, the House began to receive more comfort and dignity

to the thousands who visit every week. So he took office, restored the

college of leaders, now decide on all matters of relevance in the

House. All important decisions of his administration were made by

mutual agreement among the other officers and members of the party

leaders with seats in the House. It was also the second administration

of Jardel Sebba which was drafted and promulgated the new Rules of

Procedure of the Assembly, which ended the approval of lightning and

materials focused on the debate. Currently, no project can be approved

in less than a week. The whole process of discussion and elaboration of

the draft project of the adequacy of the State Constitution Magna Carta

was conducted under the command of Jardel Sebba.


Jardel Sebba remodeled full-service communication and the Assembly

created a new portal of the Legislature, which began to publish real-

time news, photos and available editions of the Gazette. He also

invested in TV assembly, which acquired the latest equipment and has

expanded to renowned professionals. In October 2008, chose not to run

for reelection to support the candidacy of Helder Valin, who became

president of Power in bid for consensus. He was elected chairman of the

Legislature on Tuesday, 1st February, also in sheet and with the

consensus of all parliamentary votes.

For this administration, intends to move forward on investing in the

Master Plan of Information Technology, which will enhance, among other

things the range of information that can be obtained at the portal of

the Assembly, as well as interactivity.

Lincoln said he was voting for Tejota Jardel Sebba to repay a debt that

his father Sebastian Tejota had with him, but now they were even.

Misael de Oliveira noted that the House is getting into the hands of

just two people and remember that practice and the very old clique of

the PMDB, which by the way, closed backroom deals that make it clear

that the party will not be like an Opposition in the House and

accepting conversation. For many it was a disappointment thus far in

the 17th Legislature that is just starting. (Source: Legislative

Assembly of the State of Goiás)

The mayor of Aparecida de Goiânia, 15 km from Goiânia (GO), the former

governor Maguito Vilela (PMDB), said on Monday that declared an

emergency in the county because of constant rains that caused mudslides

and floods in January. The decree was signed on January 24 and released

to reporters today.
"We did a survey that found many damage, human, environmental and

economic," the mayor said in a statement on the city's Web site. From

the decree, Maguito hopes to get federal help through the National

System of Civil Defense (syndecan). According Maguito, federal funding

will be used for, among other actions, to call for volunteers to

reinforce the reconstruction of what was damaged.
In the emergency decree, the municipality reports seven areas that need

immediate intervention. According to the survey, at least five bridges

and two culverts in these neighborhoods could not stand the force of

water. Estimation of the city which is just over 120 500 people have

been hurt because of rain. The same projections indicate it will take

an amount of about $ 7 million to repair all the problems.
The images and videos you see now were made on the property of Mr.

Aristides Gomes (120th Street qd63 lt6 / 7 Miramar Garden) which does

have concern for their heritage that can be dragged by the water or

swallowed by erosion at any time.
Reassure the residents of adjacent regions, the fact that Mayor Maguito

Vilela not oblivious to this problem and demands solutions that address

the Federal Government to recover the banks and beds of streams of

Aparecida de Goiania.
When the report was thrown Question Brazil, reported that the erosion

contained about 10 passenger cars, which at first was perceived as an

As we reached the place we come across a true crater and it could house

quietly not 10 but 50 trucks, such is the devastation at the site.
Enter year and year out, people continue to mistreat the environment in

a disorderly fashion. The silting up of banks of streams of Aparecida

de Goiânia is a trivial matter to many politicians.
Retrieve the banks of streams and rivers of Goiás does not vote and

therefore the lack of supervision and zeal is so blatant. Vilela

Maguito they kicked in the pursuit of radical solution to the problem.
Environment, recycling, reforestation are no longer issues for the

future, are matters for the present and if not taken seriously can

result in lower in families living in these regions. The telephone

number of Mr. Aristides Gomes 9909-8631

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